SSP 2024 Poster Contest – Piloting Your Process

May 22, 2024

Piloting Your Process: Efficient Academic Publishing with BPMN

Each year, the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) Annual General Meeting hosts a poster contest, providing a platform for participants to showcase visual ideas and concepts in scholarly publishing. This contest is a highlight of the meeting, encouraging a vibrant exchange of ideas and fostering a sense of community among attendees.

This year, we at SiteFusion ProConsult are excited to participate with a poster that demonstrates the application of Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) in streamlining academic publishing processes. Our poster, titled “Piloting Your Process” illustrates how BPMN can optimize the workflow from manuscript submission to publication, ensuring efficiency and enhancing collaboration across various roles in the publishing sector.

By participating in this contest, we aim to highlight the practical benefits of integrating BPMN with SiteFusion’s CMS, coupled with Camunda’s workflow engine, to improve the precision and speed of publishing academic work. This approach not only addresses the specific needs of academic publishers but also aligns with the broader goals of SSP to advance scholarly communication.

We look forward to sharing our insights and engaging with other professionals at the SSP AGM to explore how such technological integrations can significantly impact the field of scholarly publishing.

I do not like the sound of my voice, but would love if you checked out my explainer on Vimeo:

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